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Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity

Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity

495 INR/Bottle

Product Details:

  • Product Type Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Storage Instructions Keep In a Dry Place & Cool Place
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Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity Price And Quantity

  • 10 Bottle
  • 495 INR/Bottle

Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity Product Specifications

  • Keep In a Dry Place & Cool Place
  • Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Treatment For Obesity Trade Information

  • 100 Bottle Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Medicine Oberin Granules contains an excellent formulation of herbs that burn the fats in your body and provides a sustained weight loss. It cleanses the toxins from the body and enhances the metabolic rate and hence helps in burning fats and lipids inside the body. It also reduces food craving and makes body use its stored fats for producing energy.

Garcinia Cambogia is a natural weight loss supplement made from Herbs Garcinia Cambogia or Vrikshamla fruit that has been known for suppressing appetite and blocking fat deposits. Garcinia is one of the most effective Herbal Fat Burner helping people to maintain ideal weight and is equally effective for men and women

Oberen Granules is 9 potent ayurvedic herbs - Oberen Granules as an appetite suppressor and reduces the bodys ability to make fat. Kutki contains antioxidant catechins that break down excess fat in the body. Oberen Granuls is rich in chlorogenic acid - an effective fat burner!

Oberin Granuls boost and repair our bodys metabolism to burn stored fats naturally. It also regulate and control Thyroid which is a general cause of obesity (fatness) due to hormonal imbalance.

Oberin Granuls suppress our hunger naturally for regulating body weight and shape. Its the best diet food for weight loss

Oberin Granuls stops conversion of extra calories into fat for regulating our body weight and shape naturally.

Oberin Granuls regulates rate of sugar absorption into blood to control our body weight and shape naturally.

Oberin Granuls break fat cells and burn fat stored in our body to control our body weight and shape naturally.

Specification :




An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine

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