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Platin Syrup

Platin Syrup

280.00 INR/Bottle

Product Details:

  • Physical Form Tonic & Syrup
  • Storage Instructions Room Temperature
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Platin Syrup Price And Quantity

  • 10 Bottle
  • 280.00 INR/Bottle

Platin Syrup Product Specifications

  • Room Temperature
  • Tonic & Syrup

Platin Syrup Trade Information

  • 100 Bottle Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Platin Syrup Is Platelet count increasing syrup

Papaya Leaf Extract is prepared with natural Carica papaya leaf extracts and is rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C. Papaya Leaf Extract is highly recommended in certain situations for individuals having consistent high fever with high temperatures of 100-102 while the Blood Platelet count starts going down immediately during this time


  • It's an Ancient Medicinal Herb.
  • It Can Reduce Blood Sugar Levels.
  • It Has Anti-Cancer Properties.
  • It Can Reduce Cortisol Levels.
  • It May Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety
  • It May Reduce Symptoms of Depression.
  • It Can Boost Testosterone and Increase Fertility in Men.

Kalmegh or andrographis paniculata might taste bitter, but the kind of health benefits it offers is unmatchable.

It aids the digestive system

Kalmegh helps to effectively manage digestive problems like loss of appetite. It may also help to improve the digestive fire as well as liver functions, due to its ushna (hot) nature.

It's also great for the liver

Kalmegh also helps in the management of liver problems. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties, and may help to prevent the damage of liver cells caused by free radicals.

kalmegh is used all over the world. The plant still grows natively in India and is useful for more than just immune support. The dry and penetrating properties of the herb help to break through dense phlegm caused by increased kapha, and it also reduces pitta and kapha in the head and chest, helping to maintain a normal body temperature.

Giloy Is Immunomodulator

Tinospora cordifolia or Giloy boost the phagocytic activity of macrophages which are the first line of defense in our body and play a crucial role in innate (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) immunity. Also it remarkably augments the production of cytokines, up-regulation of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and enhances antigen specific recall response.

Giloy Is Hepatoprotective

Tinospora cordifolia or Giloy is an efficient hepatoprotective agent because of its ability to scavenge free ROS, which promotes hepatic regeneration. Giloy also increases the glutathione (GSH) level and support liver to detoxify toxic waste from body.

Product Details:

Packaging Size

200ml,450 ml


Genial Medicaments


15 ml 3 time

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