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Herbo Hand Sanitizer 5 Litre

Herbo Hand Sanitizer 5 Litre

750 INR/Bottle

Product Details:


Herbo Hand Sanitizer 5 Litre Price And Quantity

  • 10 Bottle
  • 750 INR/Bottle

Herbo Hand Sanitizer 5 Litre Product Specifications

  • Keep In a Dry & Cool Place

Herbo Hand Sanitizer 5 Litre Trade Information

  • 100 Bottle Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

The proper way to apply hand sanitizer:

Rub your hands together, covering all surfaces of both hands, including between your fingers and up around your fingertips and nails. Rub hands together for 25 seconds to allow your hands to completely absorb the product and the hand sanitizer to completely dry.

Satyam Herbo Hand Cleanzer :

  • They are gels that contain Alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the skin.
  • The Isopropyl Alcohol (Alcohol) works immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria and most viruses.
  • Good hand hygiene will reduce the risk of things like flu, food poisoning and healthcare associated infections being passed from person to person.
  • Hand hygiene is a way of cleaning ones hands that substantially reduces potential pathogens (harmful microorganisms) on the hands.
  • Pocket-Friendly, easy and convenient usage anytime, anywhere. You are just a pick away from your weapon against germs.
  • Alcohol based hand sanitizer available on bulk and packing.100ml,200ml,500ml, 1ltr, are manufacturers of hand sanitizer.
  • Satyam Herbal Hand Sanitizer in contains Isopropyl Alcohol 67% with a Kumari(Aloe Vera)5%.kills all the germs but also moisturizes your hands and makes your skin soft.
  • The Isopropyl Alcohol kills all harmful germs which can cause illness. A Kumari(Aloe Vera) light layer of moisturizers with a touch of perfume remains to condition the hands which rejuvenates us.
  • We also customize hand sanitizer on client satisfaction is our first priority.

Product Details:

Country of Origin

Made in India

Alcohol Content %

61 - 70

Other Active Ingredients

Aloe Vera

Type Of Alcohol


Packaging Type

Pump Bottle

Packaging Size

5 Ltr


Satyam Herbo Heand Cleaner

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